miƩrcoles, 14 de octubre de 2009

Simple past tense

we use the simple past to express the idea that action began and ended at a specific time in the past. sometimes, the speaker may not actually mention the specific time, but they have one specific time in mind.

We have to use two form of the verbs:
regulars and irregulars

  • the regulars verbs: this verbs in its past and past participle form don't change and we only add "ed" for example: added - changed
  • the irrgulars verbs: this verbs in its past and past participle form change for example:

begin - began - begun = comenzar

drink - drank - drunk = beber

Grammar Structure:

Subject + verb in past + complement


I drank a soda

you change your bedroom

He bought a blue car

She washed the dishes

The horse broke its mouth

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